Coaching sessions are 100% confidential, so full names and details of my clients are not published - in line with ICF Code of Ethics.

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Engaging with Cath as my life coach has been an awesome experience. We started when I was at a period of personal and professional transition and our work together gave me clarity on my values, wants, and needs for my next phase of life. Through our work together I was able to take a longer term view on the impact of my current choices, which allowed me to make decisions with more confidence and clarity. Cath strikes a perfect balance of being loving and supportive while also communicating in a direct style and holding me accountable. Starting in our introductory session we quickly built a rapport which allowed me to feel comfortable being vulnerable and honest in our conversations.  

Jake, 32,  Baltimore (USA)

Executive Director (Non-Profit), Healthcare

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I didn’t know what to expect from life coaching but my journey with Cath has been SO incredibly positive and life changing that I’m so glad I did it! I thought life coaching would be being told what to do but it’s more internal, finding what you need for you to achieve what you want. Through my sessions I’ve been able to regain confidence in myself and believe in what I can achieve. The goals we set and that I have achieved with Cath have been mind blowing and it’s made me realise that I can dream big and be realistic. I feel like I have a new lease of life, I’m stronger and I now have tools behind me to help me with so many different challenges. My mindset is so much more focused on the positive, what I can do to help myself and be my authentic self and be purely happy. I’d highly recommend life coaching sessions with Cath because I honestly don’t believe I’d be doing half the things I have done, I’m proud of and continue to do without that boost and support from my sessions.   

Sarah, 27,  Somerset (UK)

Model & Actress

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I could not recommend Cath as a life coach enough. She is a warm, open minded lady who expels a calmness that makes her so easy to talk to, which is what you need to get the most from your coaching journey. She has helped me in ways I could have never imagined and the tools she's given me will stay with me forever. I personally think everyone would benefit from sessions with Cath regardless of what their reasons and goals are as she genuinely cares and that shines through and encourages you to get the most out of your journey.  

Heidi, 27, Lancashire (UK)

Vulnerable Adult Care Manager

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Having been a little skeptical about life coaching I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at how much of a positive impact it has had on my life. 

It took me a while to open up, as I had it in my mind that it coaching was all about improving my work/career. It's so interesting to see how identifying my goals and values encompasses all parts of my life and helps to pinpoint what I want to achieve. We did a lot of work on perspectives which was so helpful in approaching situations that create tension or anxiety. Caths coaching sessions, helped "freshen up" my outlook on so much of my life that it's made a huge difference. Thank you. 

Laura, 43, Berkshire (UK)

Business Development Manager

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