Inner Wisdom

Your inner wisdom is the magic you can connect to to save you from drowning in chaos. We all have the answers deep within us - we just have to want to find them :)

We're not called "Human Doings"

In our society, we are trained to succeed in our performance - to plan, to execute and to measure - TO DO. Yet, we are not called "Human Doings".
- How much time do you take each day thinking about how you want to "be"?
- What impact does your way of "being" have on those around you?
- How does your way of "being" impact you achieving your goals?
- How purposeful is your way of "being" on any given day?
There are so many more questions about 'being' rather than 'doing'... What would change in your fulfilment if you paid more attention to how you "be" in your life?

Turn Fear into Creation.

What is your go-to/automatic response to change right now? Innovation is crucial to an organisations growth and survival in tough, fast moving markets. It is also crucial personally to keep up with - and more importantly thrive in - social change, lifestyle transformations and professional/personal growth. Fear can cause opportunities to feel like threats. What would it be like to explore and adjust your relationship with fear?

Having a Thinking Partner

Having a "thinking partner" in a coach and leveraging the tools and methods within that journey will help you to start seeing over obstacles/blockages, and to step over them onto a more fulfilling and enlightened path. Are there areas in your life where you are struggling to make a decision, see the way out, or to find the different options you could explore? Or perhaps you would like to be able to think differently in your role or your life, and innovate more easily in either the way that you work or what you are working on?

The Science Behind Coaching

Those of you who have worked with me closely will know that I love a good piece of data and/or science to support my thinking and my work. Neuroscience has been a side interest of mine for many years, and I love the fact that CTI have their Co-Active Coaching model underpinned by it – as explained here via a Harvard Medical School study. “Co-Active principles offer a variety of ways to help individuals move out of a reactive state and create new possibilities for moving forward, with tools and skills that can be linked to neuroscientifically proven stress-reduction techniques, right-left hemisphere integration, and neuroplasticity. Because there is no judgment or evaluation in Co-Active coaching and leadership development, the client remains open to input and is much more able to access their own unique creativity to develop solutions that move them forward. “
If you’d like to discuss further, or would like to book in a free 45 minute sample coaching session with me to explore further, then please do get in touch.

See full external article here

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