FAQ's on Coaching

  • How do I know I am ready to work with a coach?

    There are many ways, and I could never list them all here. So in summary, I would say if you have itching feet, if you have  frustratoin about wanting / needing to make some kind of change, if you are reflecting a lot and want come clarity... these are just some examples of how. 

  • What can I get from working with you?

    You will get a thinking partner and a champion. Someone who will work with you and beside you as you make progress on and achieve the goals that are set at the outset of our relationship. 

    See Client Testimonials for some examples of how other clients of mine have found their journey. 

    You will ultimatley get out what you put in. Only you can actually 'make' the change you yearn for, but I will be supporting you and helping ready you for that all the way :)

  • Are you a certified coach?

    Yess, I have both the Accredited Certified Coach (ACC) credential from the ICF, and also the Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) credential from the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI). 

  • What does being a certified coach mean?

    Being certified means I have done over 200 hours of classroom & virtual training, and I have over 100 hours coaching experience. I have taken exams - both written and oral, and have been through an extensive training program, summarised here: (https://coactive.com/training/professional-coach-certification/#why-get-certified)

  • I've been mentored before. Is this different? How?

    In summary, being mentored is getting advice from someone else's direct experience, that you can apply to your own life and decisions. 

    Being coached is about finding the answers that are already inside you, through the tools and expertise of the coach, who partners with you as you find those answers and create / change / decide your future path. 

  • What's the difference between coaching and therapy.

    In summary, therapy is about looking backwards and 'fixing' things. Coaching is about looking forward and 'creating' the life you want to have, and to have a deeper understanding of your self and your world as it exists now. 

  • What code ethics do you follow?

    I follow the ICF code of ethics, as published here: https://coachingfederation.org/ethics/code-of-ethics

  • How do I choose between different coaches?

    You will get a very different experience with different coaches, due to our training, our different approaches, and of course, our personalities. Who is a good coach for one person might not be for another, and vice versa. 

    I would recommend that you have sample sessions with several coaches before you make that investment in yourself, to ensure that you have the right coach for you and you're happy with your decision. 

    I offer free sample sessions, and you can book one in directly here, or feel free to email me

  • What are your prices?

    My prices are variable. Reach out to me to discuss either via an initial meeting here, or feel free to email me also. 

  • What do you coach on?

    In our first official 'Foundation Session', we will build the first foundations for your coaching journey, including setting goals for your journey - what you want to be different at the end, compared to 'now'. This can include almost anything - reach out to me to discuss via email or a complementary booked session.  

    You can also see the Services page here for more information. 

  • Is it confidential?

    Absolutely. As per the ICF code of Ethics that I follow, all of our work will be confidential. You will be able to tell anyone you wish that I am your coach, but I will keep our relationship - and what we discuss - 100% confidential. 

  • I have a different question...

    ... Then please either email me, call me, whatsapp me, or book in a slot for a complementary discussion. 

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