Your Elixir Services

See below tabs. All sessions can be held via Zoom, and I can also be available in person where needed / it adds value.

Personal Coaching

How would it feel to be properly, authentically and proudly you? To really know and be the best version of yourself whenever you wished? And/or finally make those changes in your life that you've been dreaming of / wishing for?

Partner with me to increase your self awareness; turn your inner voice into a 

positive, supporting ally; and to find and easily leverage your inner wisdom for everything life brings before you. 

Set and achieve personal goals for your coaching journey - with me as your coach, thinking partner and pillar of support - championing you all of the way. 

Work with me to develop tools that you can keep and use for the rest of your life. A coaching journey will transform what you choose to include in it, and will enable you to see your entire world through a whole, new perspective (or two, or more!).  

I offer packages for personal coaching journeys of 3, 6 and 12 months in length - you  can then "complete", renew, or continue indefinately under the same conditions. 

Leadership Coaching

What kind of leader do you want to be? 

Leaders are made, not born... I can partner with you as you discover your best leader self, your most authentic way of working, and we will also explore 

alternative mindsets and approaches - outside of your comfort zone - that can be leveraged and successful when needed. 

You are already the leader you want to be deep inside - our journey will be one of curiosity, discovery and  transformation to bring that leader proudly out to the fore. 

Corporate Coaching

Here, the main aims are professionally centered, but the coaching will still approach you as a whole person - everything is related and intertwined, particularly now as there is far more WFH and flexbility in a lot more professional scenarios. 

You can approach me to sponsor some or all of your team for coaching, or for personal coaching that is billed to your organisation (through your initial arrangement / negotiation, with some help from me). 

Tools will be used and learned by you / your team that will be beneficial across whole career/s, and enables the understanding and building of strong, trusting teams. 

This is likely to be a mixture of personal and leadership coaching and will take you  / your team to the next levels of success and growth. 

Innovation Coaching / Culture Workshop

What do you imagine your organisation could achieve if it knew it couldn't fail? 

How many and what ideas do your teams have which are not shared nor monetised?

I have a huge passion for innovation, and a background in making transformational changes work in large, global organisations as well as smaller teams. 

Work with me as we leverage coaching - coupled with Innovation / change workshops - to give you clear tools and purpose for making positive change happen, and thinking ahead of your competition. 

Empower and enable your teams to question the current status quo, to look at the world through more curious eyes, and to be much more excited about change / development and what their ideas could - and will - enable. 

Single Focused, Extended Session

Book a half or full day intensive session to get tools and awareness at your fingertips more quickly. 

Useful for many life events, including:

  • Preparing for a job interview
  • Starting at a new company. 
  • Becoming a parent
  • Suddenly being single
  • Having a big decision to make soon
  • Being anxious about the post-COVID world
  • Talk to me about what else is on your mind for such a session

Package includes a follow up session to secure learning / impact. 

What else?

What else are you looking for? 

What else could be behind one, or all, of those doors? Close your eyes for a 

moment and just imagine...

It can be as crazy as you like, and if I think I can help we can take it further :)

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