Empowering you to believe that "of COURSE you can"

What could really believing in yourself and your worth mean for you and your life?

What might be possible if you removed all personal barriers currently obstructing your greatness?

Work with me to discover your individual magic, and consciously redesign what is possible for you.

What would I bring as your coach?

See below tabs for my background and inspirations, and an introduction to me as a person & thinking partner. I bring all of this and more. Plus the energy and the passion to walk alongside you on this amazing part of your lifes journey.

Every coaching journey with me is unique and bespoke, being whatever you need and want it to be.  I do not have "specific formulas" for my clients as you are all so marvellously unique!

Cath Puddick   ACC, CPCC, BA, MA, MBA

20+ Years leading in Corporate

After my initial professional ambitions were quashed by a health complication, I took the path that many of those of my 

generation did who were 'stuck' professionally, and I "took a job in IT", originally as a Market Analyst. Over the years, this led me down a wondrous path of increasing knowledge, development, personal growth and leadership - of both systems and people. 

I made mistakes, I learned, and I grew. 

I was put on several High Potential leadership schemes over the years, and I loved how so much growth and opportunity were opening up as a result. 

  • I went from being a quibbling wreck of a presenter to a confident and successful one. 
  • I went from someone afraid to stand up and be counted to someone who would stand my ground for what I believe is true and / or right. 
  • I went from someone who thought everyone knew better than me to someone who had a confident stance and a voice that should be heard.
  • I learned to understand myself - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Here, I went through my own coaching journey, which transformed the way I saw my future, and empowered me to make the changes that are important to me.  
  • I have a huge passion around innovation - around enabling both people and systems to work to their highest potential. I reflect on what exists, and imagine what could be possible with (mostly!) realistic change. [Thinking outside of this definition is often where the real transformational changes are born, so including this type of thinking is both essential and lucrative]. Combining this with a coaching mindset, and thus enabling yourself / your team(s) to reach new heights is a truly amazing journey. 

I have a huge passion around building positive and empowering work cultures, based on both individual values and purpose:  A team who really knows each other, who has each others backs, and who all know exactly where and why they sit within that environment will achieve the biggest short term and long term results. 

40+ years learning in Life

I have led quite a varied life, living all over the UK as I was growing up, and studying over in the USA for a couple of years as a young adult, doing my Masters under a scholarship.  I am friends with a huge variety of people. 

I have fought many of my own demons over the years, including some congenital/chronic health issues, identity crises, fears of 'not fitting the mold', imposter syndrome, self confidence issues, and many more. I am now standing in my authenticity and am proud of both who and why I am. 

I have spent a lifetime rewriting rules and looking for different / better ways to do things. I can't remember a time when I didn't do that.  I will always champion others to think individually and believe in their true value and purpose. 

I changed schools multiple times in my youth due to my parents frequently relocating, and not all of my school days were happy ones. I had to work very hard to achieve what I did - both personally and professionally. Academically, I have an undergraduate degree and a Masters degree - both in Economics, and I later studied part time for my MBA whilst simultaneously working full time. This all led me to my corporate career spanning 20+ years. 

I spent so many years with a 'to do' list, thinking the way to happiness was through achieving what I was brought up to be 

tangibly 'working towards', but after having got back in touch with my individual values and living my life more in alignment with those, my outlook and my path has changed dramatically to be where - and who - I am today.  And I am much happier for it. 

When was the last time you wrote yourself a 'to be' list, rather than a 'to do' list? Try it out...  And how did that change your perspective?

Now + Future = helping YOU to know that OF COURSE YOU CAN!

After embarking on my own Coaching Journey with several amazing coaches over a few years, I was curious to explore coaching as a skill / profession to follow myself. I signed up with CTI - the global leader in experiential coaching training - back in Feb 2019, and I am now working as a fully Certified Professional Co-Active Coach full time. I love spending my days helping others realise and live within their own greatness; perhaps redesigning their own path in alignment with their own values and dreams. 

My clients truly inspire me!

You already have all of the answers inside you for what you want and what you need. My job is to partner with you, and walk with you as you realise and develop these answers, with many different coaching tools and all of my expertise intertwined. 

I will bring my whole self to every session, and champion you all the way on your journey. We will design how we  specifically will work together to best suit you, and we will use our extended first official session to develop your goals and start building 

foundational tools that you will keep and use forever in your everyday life - both personally and professionally. 

No two coaching journeys are the same, as no two individuals are the same. You would also get different experiences and 

results with different coaches, so why not try out a few with sample sessions and see who you resonate most with. 

You can book in a free 'taster'/sample session with me, where I can also answer any questions / uncertainties you have about coaching. Click here to book directly. 


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